Friday, July 18, 2008

New haircut!

I missed Owen's June trip to the salon, and I couldn't wait any longer (seeing as his July appointment would have been this week as well), so I cut Owens hair myself. It isn't perfect,but it sure is a lot better than it was!

This is how a puppy would eat a muffin...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm glad you're here...

When Gabe put Owen to bed tonight Owen said “I'm glad you're here Papa”, and Gabe said “I'm glad you're here too Owen.” The Owen said “I'm glad Mama and Papa are here.”, so Gabe said “I'm glad Mama, Papa, Owen, and Andy are all here”, to which Owen replied “I'm glad Mama and Papa and Owen are here”.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Phone call

Owen decided he wanted to call someone today. He pressed some buttons and then said “Hi. My name is Owen . I like puppy dogs and kitty cats and hippo's. Can I come and play at your house?” It was so cute!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Big news!

Gabe took Owen to daycare yesterday and Deana (his daycare provider) asked if we had had the baby or not. Gabe turned to Owen and asked him if he had a new brother or sister. Owen replied that he had a new brother. Then Deana asked Owen if he had anoy other news for her (she meant the baby's name or something along those lines). Owen, dressed like the picture above, replied "I have a hat."

Monday, July 07, 2008

Owen and Andy - day 10

Owen loves his little brother Andy! Ans he tells him that all the time. He is full of hugs and kisses for all of us these days. I can tell he really likes having Andy around. He knows there is no longer a baby in Mama's belly, but when I ask him where that baby went, or what happened tio it, Owen says he doesn't know.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Big feet, little feet

Owen and Andy!

Owen has a new little brother - ANDY!

Andy was born last Thursday (June 26th) and Owenis just crazy about him!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I don't know...

I don't know why, but Owen wanted to watch TV like this today. I asked him to put his legs down and he said he didn't want to. He stayed like this for at least 10 minutes.

Breakfast at the Lanteigne household