1. What is something Mommy always says to you? "please don't hit"
2. What makes your Mommy happy? "a happy dance"
3. What makes your Mommy mad? "hitting"
4. How does your Mommy make you laugh? "tickles"
5. What was your Mommy like as a child? "you had to say 'ba ba ba' and you crawled on the door and you hit yourself on the head and then they had to put you to bed"
6. How old is your Mommy? "29"
7. How tall is your Mommy? ""this tall" (lifting his hand above his head)"
8. What is her favorite thing to do? "eat"
9. What does your Mommy do when you’re not around? "go to Auntie Elia's"
10. If your Mommy became famous, what would it be for? "a crocodile" (he didn't understand this)
11. What is your Mommy really good at? "scrapbooking"
12. What is your Mommy not very good at? "a crocodile (i see a theme here for when he doesn;t understand a quesrion or have a propoer answer)"
13. What does your Mommy do for a job? "go to the doctor's officel"
14. What is your Mommy’s favorite food? "apple pie"
15. What makes you proud of your Mommy? "cleaning up"
16. If your Mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be? "Dora"
17. What do you and your Mommy do together? "go to Nathan's house"
18. How are you and your Mommy the same? "this same (he touched my tummy and then his)"
19. How are you and your Mommy different? "this different (he touched his head and then my head)"
20. How do you know your Mommy loves you? "this much (and he head his hands about inches apart)"
21. What does your Mommy like most about your Daddy? "tickle him"
22. Where is your Mommy’s favorite place to go? "to your friend's house"