Monday, February 26, 2007

Busy week

Owen has had a very busy week - he cut three new teeth (finally his bottom two teeth get a friend) and learned one new word (hat), he got a bunch of new clothes (Mama went shopping at Bellis Fair), and he got a haircut (Papa got ahold of the razer).

This first picture shows one of Owen's new tricks - he can feed himself with a spoon. Don't be fooled into thinking he'll actually eat the scrambled egg though - he just likes to be able to bring the food to him mouth, but he refused to eat them, He actually hasn't been eating a lto lately.

Owens hair is still unharmed at this point.

This next picture is of Owen and his Grandma (my Mom). Owen is sporting some new duds from my trip to Bellis Fair. His shirts says "More bananas please". Grandma is who tought Owen to say 'hat'. Now that he knows what a hat is, and can say 'hat', he will actually wear one for an extended period of time.

By now Owen had had a run in with Papa and the scissors, but it looks so bad, I can't actually show it to you.

And here is Owen in the bathtub after Grandma and I tried to fix the mangled hair cut.

While Gabe was out with Owen, someone asked him how old his daughter was, so Gabe decided Owen needed a hari cut. Gabe had shaved the back 2/3rds right down to the skin and left the top. So we cut the top shorter and tried to make it look decent.

This is what we came up with...

Owen has such a little boys hair cut now. It's pretty cute when the front is spiked, and given a little time, the back will grow out and we'll get it fixed properly.

But he's still pretty darn cute!

And we found out he really likes to eat what ever we are eating - this was his breakfast - a bran muffin.


Kaelen's Mama said...

I love your hair cut! That is so cute!

Thanks for the birthday Present Owen! I love it!

Anonymous said...

At least Gabe didn't get his whole head shaved. I babysat kids once whose dad shaved all three of their heads (girl included!!) while the Mom was at work.
Valid grounds for divorce, I say.

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

He looks like such a big boy now! I haven't seen the haircut in person yet but it looks very cute in the photo! :)

Life according to Jacob said...

Wow you look so mature Owen, almost like you are Two years old!
Very cute

Karen said...

The hair cut looks great....and I love the new clothes too! So stylin!

ramblin'andie said...

Hi Amy,
I don't think you'd remember me, but I used to teach your brothers in Sunday School...I think Dusty was 2.5 when he was in my class. I have pictures of him from back then and I have to say WOW does Owen ever look like Dusty in this high chair picture! Gorgeous family. Congratulations :)