Tuesday, October 16, 2007

sick... ugh

Owen is sick. Well, we are all sick, but Owen has it the worst. He has an ear, nose, and throat infection. And a wicked cough too. He says his owie is in his neck (he means his throat). He hasn't eaten solid foods in over a week (besides the occasional piece of chocolate, and 1 bite of ham on Sunday).

Hopefully he will get better soon, but he seems to be gettign worse everyday. Lovely. We have a doctors appointment on Friday. How lovely is our medical system than when a child under 2 years old is this sick (and had a fever of 101 on Friday night) that the doctor books an appointment for him at the end of the week.


Charlie and Sam's Mommy - Deanna said...

Poor Owen! That sounds horrible...my cousin's son has the exact same thing!!!

My mom works in a Dr.'s office and she said that if you call and say you think it's_________ (make it serious sounding) they will fit you in! Now I don't know if that's just her office or all offices....Cuz yeah - by the time you get into the dr...they aren't sick anymore!!!! But they and you are miserable!!!!!

Good luck!

Heather said...

Poor Owen!! I hate it when kids are sick! When Ellenor wouldn't eat solid foods in the spring, the pharmacist suggested Pediasure...and she drank that, so at least I knew she was getting something nutritious. I guess there's always the walk in clinic at 5pm if you can't wait till Friday. We've done that a few times when they can't get us in---frustrating!! Keep me posted! Also...I'm leaving on Friday for a couple of weeks....are you guys too sick for me to stop by and drop off your money for the paper??

Life according to Jacob said...

Jacob also has a cold and now that they don't keep infant cold or fever medication in the stores, there is no help from those to get them to sleep or help in reducing fevers. I have to give him an inhaler so that this lovely sounding raspy cough doesn't nessicate a trip to emergency and all the fun things that involves. At least we haven't caught what he has. Hope you are all feeling better soon:(