Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My stylin' little man!

Owen got another new haircut yesterday. This was by far our best experience at a hair salon (for Owen's hair cutes at least). We went to First Choice again. And other than getting hair all over us (so we just HAD to buy some new clothes), it was fantastic! We were in and out so quick and I LOVE how she cut his hair! Isn't he so handsome!?!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Elmido Farms

We went to Elmido Farms today (in Sardis) with our friends from Play Group. Kaelen lives there... well, next door to the barns - not really in the barns.

Owen and I really liked seeing the cows! And after the tour, Owen and I got ice cream, cupcakes, stickers, and crayons! It was fantastic!

And today is Josh's birthday too! Happy Birthday Josh! (that is Owen hugging Josh in the pone pic)

Thanks for having us over Kaelen!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Owen loves his milkshakes (milk, berries, and a banana). We have one a week (more if it is warmer weather).

Friday, May 16, 2008

How did you get dirt in your ear?!?

Oh... that's how!
Owen's buddy Hayden came over today and with the weather being so nice they decided to play outside. After an hour of playing on the slide, in the fort (pirate ship), and on the swings, the boys made their way top the sand box. They only had to be in there about 5 minutes before they were both covered (head to toe) with sand. And it was damp too from the recent rain.
So before Owens nap he got a nice cool bath and I cleaned his ears out - they were full of sand!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm reading Mama!

Gabe and I woke up from our nap to go into Owens room and find this. We thought he had been sleeping too. Apparently not. He had every book off his shelves and every toy in his room in bed with him. You can only see about half of them here as a lot are under the blankets! Owen was very proud of himself!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Owen's 1st trip to the Zoo!

Owen had his first trip to the Zoo last Saturday. We all had a lot of fun! The three of us met up with a few other families from our Play Group.
This first picture grid is all the great pics of Owen - he loved looking at all the animals!
The second picture grid is a bunch of the cool stuff we saw at the Zoo!

Friday, May 09, 2008

I love the park!

Owen loves the sunshine, being outside, playing with his friends, and going to the park. So today was the perfect say for him!

We went to Ogopogo Park with our buddies from Play Group. Owen got to shovel dirt, playin barkmulch, go on the swings and on the slide, and play with trucks.

Plus he was looking sharp with his shades on the whole time. But the male to female ration was not in his favor. Only 2 girls and 5 boys. The preggo Moms in Play Group need to pop out some more girls.


All in all, it was a fantastic 2 hours!

Here is a link to my Flickr account to see more of the pics from today...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Blue Heron Reserve

Owen and I met up with our buddies from Play Group, and Owen s Grandma, today at the Blue Heron Reserve. I felt a little ashamed never being there before, as I have lived here for over 6 years now. But at least now I can say I have gone - and we're going to go again! We had such a fun time! We got to see (and help catch) a big green frog, and we saw birds, ducks, and geese too! I saw one Blue Heron far far away, but most of them were in their nests keeping their babies warm - it was a pretty cold and windy day!

Owen and Grandma climed up these really high stairs and looked at the lagoons from the very top. And then we had to run back inside quickly when the bugs came out -there were waaay too many for Mama to handle! But there were cool things to do inside too - look at real (stuffed) animals, play with some puzzles, and be entertained by the man that works there as he sang to us and played his harmonica. It was a great morning!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

A day at the beach

Owen and I met some friends at the beach today and had a great time playing. We walked the docks, saw geese and ducks, threw rocks in the water, played on the playground, and had a Tim Horton's picnic.
Here Owen shows me how he is a fast airplane (he is a fast airplane a lot these days!).
We are looking forward to the weather being nicer so we can go to the beach more often.