Sunday, August 17, 2008

Owen goes to the Airshow!

Gabe took Owen to the Chilliwack Airshow last night from 8-10pm. Owen had a fantastic time even though he was so tired when he came home! He was terribly impressed with the “fire plane” and its pilot who he got to meet! The 'fire plane' had sparks coming out of it, and it had colorful smoke that made a rainbow. He came home and told me all about it!

So we all went this morning (Sunday) as a family. Owen got toshow me all the planes that he saw the night before, and as we were at John's workplace (we saw the show from inside his hanger and it was awesome!), Owen got to show me the parts of airplanes too - the engine, the propellor, etc.


Butchess said...

air show and a beer - wow you guys are like VIP's! sounds like a lot of fun!!
by the way amy - you are looking really good!

Karen said...

Luck boy Owen! Samuel would be thrilled to see that. I agree - Amy, you look awesome!