Monday, December 01, 2008

Bribery works!

We got this idea from our friend Keira. How it works is like this: when Owen does one of these 'good things', he gets a sticker. Some of these things are easier to do that others. And when he gets 10 stickers, he gets to pick out a prize from the prize bag (which are all Dollar Store items that he picked out last time we were there - stickers, toys, costume pieces, etc.).

Our main objective with this chart is to get Owen to a) go potty, and b) tell us when he has a huge, stinking, rotten poop in his diaper. 

So far it is working. It has taken 2 months (this is only the latest chart), but Owen now asks to go potty. And guess what?! He is actually going now! Yay!

The other day Owen asked to go potty (the first time ever that he initiated it) and after sitting for a good half an hour, he went pee and poop on the potty! Yay Owen! Way to go!

(his eyes are closed because he hates the flash on my camera)

It's still not an everyday, every time thing, but we are well on our way to being potty trained now. My goal is to have Owen going (and actually going) multiple times a day every day by Owen's 3rd birthday (end of January).


Butchess said...

that's great! we resorted to full out bribery too - stickers, mini m&m's (a huge hit) which we worried a bit that it would be a hard habit to break - but the novelty wore off surprisingly fast - only a couple weeks and we didn't need them any more... i felt a little bad at first having to bribe then i got impatient and figured hey, whatever does the trick the quickest and least painful for all, is ok by me!

Charlie and Sam's Mommy - Deanna said...

Good job Owen! That sticker chart seems like a great idea!

We were sooo hoping to have Charlie potty trained before baby came...but that doesn't look like it's gonna happen...we're gonna wait a bit I think I"ll be a bit busy with baby!

Unknown said...

Way to go, Owen!!

Life according to Jacob said...

I have been doing that with Jacob too and he will tell me when he has to poo but hasn't gotten to the telling me when he has to pee. When he does either of them he gets either a big or little sticker plus a treat. He loves the rewards. I also did that with bedtime. Works pretty well

Keith - Kristen said...

Way ta go little man! Keep up the good work!