Tuesday, May 08, 2007

So much so quickly

I am losing track of all the new things Owen can do now. He had a hot dog last week and liked it. He can say at least 10 new words and phrases now. He talks all the time – it is so cute! He knows a lot more stuff, can figure out so much more, and understands just about everything we ask him, or tell him, to do.

He says "breakfast", "dinner", "sausage", "please", "puppy", and more often "hi puppy" (he puts ‘hi’ in front f a lot of things now too), he says "soap", "outside", "hockey stick", catch", "tractor", and "all done" (which he says when he is finished eating).

When reading, if you ask him where things are (animals, ball, apple, etc.) he knows where they are and will point to them.

Owen turned 15 months old last week, and for all of you waiting for his picture with the bear I promsie it is coming soon (I hope to take it today). Owen is now 27 pounds (or maybe even heavier), and he is so big he can't fit on his change table anymore (so his legs now stick off the end). I just gave Owen his 4th haircut and it makes him look even more grown up. He has his four front top and four front bottom teeth, plus one molar top and one on the bottom, with another one coming in now. And Owen is now wearing size 24 month pants and size 2 tops.


Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Yay Owen! You are getting so big, so fast!

And to Owen's Mommy ...
Apparently size 24 months and size 2 are the same size (or so I was told). I still maintain that size 2 is bigger but a friend who works in a kids clothing store told me that one is infant sizing and the other is toddler sizing ... or something like that?! Can you please compare them and let me know? I've always wondered about it. ;)

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

I stand corrected. Size 2 is bigger! ;)

Unknown said...

Owen you are getting so big and smart! You sure no lots of words, Presley doesn't say anything, just lots of babble.

Unknown said...

He's such a smart cookie...and he's getting so big now! Keira is still only 22lbs!!!

Butchess said...

WOW busy boy!! good for you!

Life according to Jacob said...

Lots of learning going around. Jacob's grandma has been busy teaching Jacob Italian so I'm sure he will he'll start saying things that I won't have a clue what it means. Good for you Owen and nice haircut