Monday, November 05, 2007

Feeling better

Owen went to daycare today for the first time in a week. He was so happy to get out of the house and play with his friends! He is on the mend but isn’t 100% back to normal yet. The one good thing that did come of all this is that Owen is weaned of his sucker. The last time had it was last Tuesday (6 days ago). Because his mouth hurt so bad, Owen refused it for a few days and no longer needs it. Yay! So Gabe and I hid them all and Owen doesn’t even ask for it anymore. Good bye sucker!


Unknown said...

Sure glad that owen is starting to feel better, seems like you've had a lot going on lately, poor guy!

Karen said...

Oh my goodness, you have had quite a week. Sure hope Owen continues to feel better and everyone catches up on sleep!

Unknown said...

Wow...poor litte guy. Glad to hear he's on the mend, at last.

At least something good came out of it tho - we'd love Keira to ditch her "mee-moo"...altho we'll take a longer, less painful method!!

Butchess said...

yikes! sounds like a bad run...glad it's all getting better for poor owen!

Jewel Bug said...

Oh I am so glad Owie is feeling better! Poor little guy. Love you both to pieces! Kisses from Jewel to the Parrot

sheri hall said...

oh Owen it sure looks like you've had a ruff few weeks, hopefully the worst is over buddy..