Thursday, November 01, 2007

Hospital visit

The three of us spent the evening at the Hospital tonight. Owens fever finally broke tonight around diner time. It has been between 102 and 104 since Tuesday. Papa put him to bed tonight while I was out at a baby shower. Half an hour after Owen went to bed he woke up screaming and covered in sweat. After at least a half an hour of screaming, writhing, and now calming down Gabe decided to take Owen to the Hospital. I met them there. We waited there from 9-11:30pm until we were tired of waiting and decided to go home. Owen was very tired, and had long since calmed down. He drank a juice box at the Hospital and ate a few squares of a Caramilk bar (left over from Halloween). That was the first food or drink he had had in over 24 hours. The nurses begged us to stay and said a new Doctor was coming in soon. We stayed and saw a Doctor within 10 minutes. He said Owens glands and throat were swollen, and Owens tonsils were red and inflamed. Owen also has some bleeding gums (we noticed this a little bit yesterday too). He gave Owen some Tylenol and sent us home. Owen was very well behaved for the Doctor and even sat on his lap. He said he has an owie in his mouth.

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