Monday, April 10, 2006

Cranky boy!

Owen had his first set of immunizations last week and he has been a very cranky boy ever since. I have booked a doctors appointment to discuss this as I didn't expect the shots to still be bothering him 7 days later.

That's why there hasn't been an update on the blog lately - all he does is cry. I feel so bad for him! I wish I knew what was hurting him so bad!


Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

I'm sorry ... I have no wisdom to dispense here. I was just so excited to see an update! :)

I hope things improve soon. If it's any consolation, he was SO good on Saturday that I didn't even know he was uncomfortable!

Kassianni said...

ahhh, poor baby!!
I hope everything is better!