Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Pacifier, Soother, Suckie, etc.

Owen loves his pacifier. Gabe and I are still trying to figure out what we are going to call it - a soother, suckie, pacifier, choopa (soother in Japanese), etc. But whatever we call it, Owen loves it.

I am slightly afraid he'll end up being one of those 5 year old kids who still has it attached to his fce and screams bloody murder when you try to take it from him. I am slightly relieved that he doens't want it all the time, so maybe there is still hope.

But when he is fussy for fussiness sake, it is nice to be able to soothe him with the pacifier.

A friend of mine made a good observation about Owens love for his soother. Owen won't breastfeed - for some reason the kid just won't take the boob. So I pump and bottle feed him. That way he is getting all the nutrients from breast milk, and I know he is getting enough food as well. And he can polish off a 3-4 ounce bottle in 10-15 minutes. If he was breast feeding, it would take him 40 minutes to eat that much. So Owen is losing 25-30 minutes of "suck time". And babies apparently have a "suck need". So maybe when he feels the need to suck, but isn't hungry, the soother is the right answer.

Anyway, that's my theory, and I'm sticking to it.

(If you have a cool name for the pacifier, please let me know!)


Anonymous said...

Its gotta be suckie. Pa-ci-fi-er has too many syllables, Soo-ther, meh.... I could go with Choopa too, just cause its different. Hmmm, "Mom, where's my Choopa?!? Mom, where's my Suckie!?!" After careful consideration, I gotta say CHOOPA!!

Kassianni said...

by the time he can ask for it in a complete sentence let's hope he's off of it, and out of diapers too!
so funny.
that made me picture a 7 year old, "Mom, I'm gonna be late for school! Where's my CHOOPA?!"

kimberley francis said...

i like his mitts. they look like little boxing gloves.

Anonymous said...

When Sarah was a baby, her best little friend used a soother and his mom called it a "choo choo". The family was polish...not sure if it is polish or just a word she made up.

myn said...

my cousins used to call theirs a "dee-daw". i like choopa better!

Anonymous said...

My mom and I thought 'Allan' would be a good. I'll leave it up to you..

Anonymous said...

How's about "molly"? Short for mollify or mollifier. Betcha it's never been called that before!
Had to go to the dictionary for this one though.
1. To calm in temper or feeling; soothe. See Synonyms at pacify.
2. To lessen in intensity; temper
I am so smart, s-m-r-t ...

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...
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Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Owen just gets cuter and cuter! (He almost makes me want another one!) ;)

I'm glad you're enjoying Mommy and Daddyhood and I definitely can't wait to meet your little man!

Anonymous said...

Olivia called it her Nummies, Maisy called it a SooSoo.
My auntie called it a cigar! It was always funny to hear her asking my cousin where her cigar was:)
