Wednesday, April 26, 2006


As Owen isn't feeling well (I think he is teething) I decided to see if he wanted to go in his exersaucer. And he loved it! Yay!

It's great because he loves to look around and see what is going on, plus it keeps him off his head. For most of the day (and night) Owen is putting pressure on the back of his head (sitting in chairs, in the swing, car seat, or in his crib) and that gives him a flat head. Apparently this is a bad thing. After 6-months of age it can't be corrected and kids have to wear stupid helmets because of it. So sitting up and playing in his exersaucer will help avoid a flat head and an ugly helmet.

This particular exersaucer (Safety 1st brand) is great as it has toys attached to one end (see photo) and a tray in the other end for when he is eating solids. It also allows Owen to kick his legs and jump up and down. I had to put a pillow under him so he can touch his feet to it. Otherwise his feet don't reach the ground and he just hangs in the seat.


myn said...

i like the new template...where did you get it??

kimberley francis said...

oh good. flat heads and ugly helmets ...definately not for our owen!!

Amy said...

It's the same template as always. Does it look different?

myn said...

i am on a mac right now and it looks totally different!

Kassianni said...

what a cute little pudge he's turning into.

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Ooh, I loved Joshua's exersaucer! It was great when I needed to get some housework done. Owen seems to be growing at a similar rate as Joshua though, and he was too tall for his at 4 months. :(