Tuesday, May 09, 2006


May 8th, 2005 was a good day. Owen was conceived that day. Here is an ultrasound photo of him at 29 weeks (November 3, 2005). It's amazing how much he still looks like this photo. If you're having trouble seeing him, let me help... it is a profile of his face, he is looking to the left. You can see his left eye socket, his little button nose, and his beautiful mouth. His arms are crossed on his chest so you can see his hands and fingers (far left).
We still didn't know he exsisted a year ago, and he wasn't nearly this formed, but he was there none the less. May 8th last year was Mothers Day. I think that is pretty fitting.

1 comment:

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Awww, that is a great story!