Tuesday, March 13, 2007

my naughty little monkey

Today, when I went in to give Owen his bottle after his morning nap, I found him standing in his crib with no pants on – and no diaper on either. He had taken off his pants and diaper and peed through the crib bars onto the floor. Nice, eh? The only good thing about this is that he had thrown all his pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals onto the floor – so that is what he peed on, and not the carpet. So I just had to wash all those and the mess was cleaned up. I don’t know how he did it, the little monkey!


Peter T Chattaway said...

Me, I'm still trying to figure out how Elizabeth got her diaper to migrate all the way to the sole of her right foot, inside her pajamas, a few nights ago.

Charlie and Sam's Mommy - Deanna said...

Thank goodness it wasn't the other kind of present??!! Being free and all!!!!

Butchess said...

oh yes, olivia once managed to get out of her pajama pants and diaper during the night...and it wasn't just pee i was cleaning up...i prefer one piece pjs!
isn't it great how dexterous and clever they can be...;-)

Unknown said...

Wow, how relieved am I that Keira still spends most nights in a one piece! I hope Owen & Olivia don't want to teach her their "cheeky" tricks!!

Karen said...

I'm with you Olivia....last week when mommy thought I was napping I worked very hard to pull off my pants and poopy diaper. Mommy hardly knew where to start with the clean-up!!

RW said...

Let the games begin!

Life according to Jacob said...

I put Jacob down for naps in his diaper and so far he has not taken it off but probably because the box of nice clean diapers is right beside his crib and he just pulls all of them into his crib and eats them. He does like to pull his socks off though and chew on them.

Jewel Bug said...

he makes me laugh!!!!

Heather said...

Can you believe what they'll do?!! He is a little monkey!!