Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The storm before the calm?

I know the saying is 'the calm before the storm', but I am hoping it will work the other way around with Owen. Owen has been sick with this nasty cough and cold for about a week now. My poor boy now knows what the word 'Kleenex' means and he runs away when he hears it.

I got the stomach flu a few days ago, so we are both home. I thought Owen was catching the flu bug too, but it seems he didn't. Which is good.

But Owen has been teething for a while now, and with his cough and cold on top of that, he has
been cranky and drooly and snotty and all sorts of other wonderful things in the last week or two. So I am hoping that this is the stprm before the calm - I hope he's back to normal soon. I don't want to think that this IS normal. Because it isn't - at least, not for Owen.

His mornings are usuaklly ok, but the poor little guy can't sleep well (or nap well) as he can't breath through his nose and he wakes up coughing. So his afternoons and evenings aren't great.

Plus, with me being so sick, we can't leave the house to see friends, go to the park, or just get out for a bit. I'm hoping to be good enough to go back to work tomorrow so Owen will at least get to go to daycare and play with his friends there. That will probably make him happy.


Klaudia said...

I hope you both will get better soon! Nolan is teething too and molars seem to cause him even more pain. He's got slight fever and running nose as well.

Unknown said...

Poor little guy (and poor little mom!).

Keira was a bit like that a couple of weeks ago, and had a really annoying cough throughout the night. We bought a cool air humidifier for her room and that made a LOT of difference!

Life according to Jacob said...

Poor sickies. Jacob was a load of fun last week due to teething (or at least I hope it was teeth cause if not then he's spending a lot of time with his Grandmas from now on ). Get better soon

Matthew Francis said...

Get well soon, Amy!

Owen you are the best kid ever!

Heather said...

I hate it when Ellenor (or me) is sick...so I really feel for you guys! I hope health finds you two soon! And remember with his teeth..."this too shall pass" (I can't wait for this teething thing to be done!)

Karen said...

Sure hope you both feel better soon. I found that Johnnson & Johnson's soothing vapour bath was helpful when Samuel was sick. We hope you can play soon Owen!