Thursday, June 22, 2006

Almost there...

Owen can't quite sit up on his own yet, but he sure tries hard. He goes in his Bumbo Seat a few tmes a day (that is the only way Mama can eat breakfast or lunch). Owen likes the Bumbo Seat becasue he can be at eye level then - he doesn't like to be left out of the loop. And being on someones lap, over a shoulder, or in his Bumbo Seat helps Owen strengthen his back and tummy - the core muscles he needs to sit up on his own.

There are those yummy toes, however. And no matter how good he is getting at sitting up on his own whenever he sees those toes of his he just can't resist putting them in his mouth. Andtherefore he looses his balance and topples to the side fairly often. He can sit up just fine inbetween my legs (so I can hold him tight with my legs) or if someone balances him on their lap (becasue then we can move around to make sure he stays upright), but left to his pwn devises I find him sideways more often than not.

Oh well, I guess this is all for the best - the sooner he learns to sit the sooner he'll learn to crawl, turn over, and become mobile. And that means way more work for Mama!

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