Friday, June 09, 2006

Always on the move

Owen doesn't like to sit still for anything anymore. Not even our beloved photoshoots. Now that he can almost sit up on his own, he is always leaning forward to try and manage by himself. And everything goes in his mouth - my hair, my glasses, blankets (as you can see), toys, his feet - everything! He has very quick little hands! If Owen feels he would rather lie down he just arches his back and slides into the position he wants. As you can imagine, that makes taking pictures of him fairly difficult now.

We had a particular antsy morning so I thought I would share with you our out-takes form our attempted photo-shoot. In fact, we didn't even get one good picture. I'll try again later, or another day, when I have more energy and Owen has less.


Kaelen's Mama said...

Hey Owen,

I hope you had a fun move. I miss you. We have to have a play date soon.

From Kaelen

Amy said...

Hi Kaelen! We missed you on Monday at the baby time drop in. Lots of other babies were there, but not you. :(

Lets get together sometime this week, ok? Get your Mom to call or email my Mom.

- Owen