Thursday, June 22, 2006

A very busy day

We had a very busy day yesterday. First we went ran some errands, and then we went for lunch with Grandma in Yarrow. That was lovely as Grandma made a yummy salad and homemade hummus for lunch, and we ate at a picnic table in the park. Then ( after a MAJOR poo explosion for which I will spare you the details of) we stopped quickly at Save-On Foods for more diapers and wipes, and then headed out to Rosedale for a weenie roast (not a hot-tub roast) with the Francis family and our new friend Stacey Shipman.

Owen was in a good mood for being awoken from his nap by Auntie Kim who just wanted to cuddle with him so badly. So, being awake, we decided to make the best of the situation and have a photo shoot. Owen sported a lovely cap that made his resemble a fishing boat captian, or perhaps a dancer in the Disney film "Newsies".

After a short visit at the ranch, Owen and I headed homefor a much needed nap and outfit change (no day is complete without an outfit change or two... or three). Then Auntie Cari came over and we all went for a walk around our new neighborhood (which was great timing as Owen was entering cranky-town). We ended the day with both Mama and Papa giving Owen a bath (it takes an army to clean this kid and the many rolls he sports between his broad shoulders and his massive head where, one day, we hope a neck will grow).

And off to bed Owen went quite tired from his long day visiting friends and being entertained by the masses. Ahhh, to have servants to take care of me and answer my every becon call... wouldn't that be the life?!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Hey... I'm on your blog! Good news.... you're on mine now, too!