Monday, June 26, 2006

Water anyone?

I am trying to figure out a way to keep Owen hydrated and happy. He woke up covered in sweat this morning, and only went to bed in a onesie. I don’t want to put him to bed naked – I’m afraid he’ll wake up cold in the middle of the night.

So I am trying different sippy cups with water. I have had a Heinz sippy cup (with no handles) for over a month now, but Owen has to gum real hard to get any water out. I think he likes it more as a teething toy. Plus, with that one I have to hold it, so it’s very time consuming, and I don’t think he gets that much water out of it. So I tried a Gerber sippy cup today (with handles). Again it is a no-spill cup, so Owen has to suck pretty hard to get the water out, but it’s easier than the Heinz cup. And he can hold it himself, so I prefer that one. But it’s much larger, and Owen can’t hold it for ling, so he gets upset.

So I tried a smaller Avent bottle with a 3-month sized nipple, and the handles that attach to it. And I think we have a winner! The water flows much easier out of the bottle nipple, so all Owen has to do is open his mouth. And it’s smaller and lighter than the Gerber bottle, so he can hold it longer. Plus, he can hold it like a bottle if he doesn’t want to use the handles. So I think I will stick with this one. Plus, it has a lid so I can take it out with us.


Kaelen's Mama said...

Good Idea! My Little one is not doing so well with this weather. I was up 5 times last night :) YIPPEE. Mama is tired! She is also drenched in sweat in a onsie and no blankets. I don't know what to do with her! We have been giving water in a small bottle to but she doesn't like it. I have be nursing her more then usual to hydrate her to! Hopefully Owen is sleeping better then his little girlfriend!

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

We had Joshua in our room all last summer as we had air conditioning in there. I don't really recommend this as it's hard not to wake him up when you want to go to bed (aka stumble around in the dark) but it worked for us then. He's on sippy cups with straws as he's never been able to figure out the regular ones. I recommend the Gerber one with the flip top and soft rubber straw but I'm not sure at what age he actually started using it ...

Kristal Sawyer said...

Hey Amy!

I just found your blog, how exciting!!!

I hadn't found out yet what you guys had...I just remember at Christmas (when we saw you and your Mom at Sears) that you were ready to pop! Congrats on Owen...he is adorable! We welcomed our baby girl, Natalie Ryan, into the world on April Fool's Day. Isn't being a Mom the BEST thing ever????
I'm going to favorite your blog if that's okay. Check mine out sometime.

Kristal =)