Friday, September 15, 2006

Big kids are fun too!

Owen had a play date with Joshua Parson today - a friend from Church. Josh is almost a year and a half, and Owen was really taken with him. He loves to watch bigger kids, and copies whatever they do - or at least tries to. And Josh was pretty interested in Owen as well. Owen would make his breathing noises (like he does when he is really concentrating on something) and Josh would copy him and then laugh. Josh shared his toys with Owen and even gave him balls to throw every once in a while. It was great.

One of the toys Josh has, Owen has too – the gum ball machine with "roll-around" balls. Owen has had this toy for a few months now, and never really got the knack of how to use it. Well, that’s not even true. When he first got the toy he had it figured out in a few days, but then Owen realized that if he waited long enough, Mama would do the work for him. So after that Owen never put the balls in the top, and pushed the blue handle for the balls to roll out the bottom of the gum ball machine. But as of today he was doing it properly again – and without any prompting at all. He just figured it out all by himself. That’s my little genius!


Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Joshua (and his Mommy) had a great time today too. After you left he walked around the house looking lost and wanting someone to play with.

Amy said...

What day works for you next week? We'll plan on going to the pool.

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

We are available every day next week. (We sure are popular, hey?) :P

What day works for you guys?

Amy said...

I just read Joshua's blog. So, no pool, eh? Well, we can still get together. How about Tuesday?