Monday, September 04, 2006

7 months old already!

Owen is 7 months old already! He weighs just under 21lbs, and is just under 30" long, which puts him off the charts for his length for his age. It also means he is long and lean, which is hard to beleive becasue he is still pretty chubby. His size 3 shoes will be too small for him soon as his feet seem to get bigger and bigger every day. His 12 month sized clothes will still fit him for a while - they are still very roomy on him.

Owens third tooth is coming in (top middle), he now watches videos, plays with new toys (big ones that help him sit and walk), and he will be moving on his own very soon. He gets on his hands and knees and shakes. And he can pull himself up to a standing position on a person (not yet on furniture). If you hold his hands he can walk and he is very proud of himself for these accomplishments!

Owen also understands a few words and phrases. He knows "feet down" which we say when we are holding him, but want to put him down so he can stand. He knows "sit", "Dada", "Mama", "Grandma", "kick" (we used that a lot in swimming lessons), "tickle", and "what's under here" - for this we say when we are about to tickle him in the arm pits, although he may just know the tone in our voice when we say it, and not the actual words. But when we do say "what's under here" he tightens his arms against his body, and begins to laugh before we have even touched him. It's hillarious!


RW said...

I was waiting for this picture.. how about reposting one from the beginning to contrast... then you can really see how big he has gotten!

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

I just took Ramona's suggestion and looked at Owen's first teddy bear picture again (the one before a month old) ... WOW! He is now one big boy! :P

Liz said...

Wow Owen you are sure growing!! I can't believe the difference from when you were a newborn.
Love Auntie Liz