Sunday, September 10, 2006

Face Crawl

Owen did the "face crawl" today. It’s not crawling, but it gets him from point A to point B. He’s like a little worm. What he does is bury his face in the sheets (we did it on our bed), push his feet up and forward, wiggle his body forward (face still in the sheets), and then lift up his head, readjust, and do it again. He did it a few times, so we know he got the hang of it. But he was pretty pooped after 20 minutes or so – face crawling is hard work.


Unknown said...

Owen is huge! I love it!

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

*L* We always called that "the worm" ... for reasons that are fairly obvious! :)

Congratulations Owen! You'll be mobile before you know it!