Tuesday, September 26, 2006

October 31st is only 5 weeks away

So I got Owen a Halloween costume. It's not any of the ones that I was looking at before. Gabe really didn't want me to order anything off the internet, so I was limited to what is in local stores. I'll give you a clue to what he will be dressed as.....

I have never gone trick or treating. Well, let me clarify. When I was 12 I got dressed up as my friends said we would go trick or treating, but I was the only one dressed up, and people didn't want to give a 12 year old candy, so we pretty much just walked the block, and then went back to my friends house. I don't really think that counts. And last year I walked around with the Jordan kids and Victoria as they trick or treated. Again, I don't think that counts. So this year, with Owen, I am excited to do something I was never allowed to do as a kid. But he's not even walking yet, so the evening will probably go like this: get dressed in costume, take pictures, go to friends house, take pictures, put hat back on Owen, take more pictures, go with friends to a few houses, put hat back on Owen, go home with cranky baby, put Owen to bed, notice it's only 8:00 pm.

So, this year may not be the exciting time I think it is going to be. Maybe next year. But I still get to get him all dressed up and take pictures, and that is really the best part.



Liz said...

So, Owen... I am guessing you are going as a cat??? LOL LOL
I am sure you will have as much fun as your mom will!!

Charlie and Sam's Mommy - Deanna said...

Don't forget our Play group's Halloween Party!!!! Another good photo op! and Halloween experience!
I got Charlie's costume on Ebay...Winnie the Pooh dressed as a bee!!!! Can't wait!

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

We had a similar experience with Joshua last year (5 months old) where we just drove him around to friends houses and then to his Grandparents' where he ended up helping to hand out the candy. :P

Joshua and I will go around Sevenoaks mall during the day (where some of the stores hand out candy), if you're interested in coming ... it's much more baby-friendly than traditional trick-or-treating! :)

Unknown said...

owen is gonna look sooooo cool! mummy bought my outfit the other day too...i'm aiming to scare the pants off people as a ghost.

Anonymous said...

Owen, I love elephants. They're so big and strong, just like you. Do you happen to like black cats?