Thursday, November 02, 2006

I used to be able to say "I have never been puked on"... not anymore!

Josh and Stacey Parson came over today for lunch, and then we all went swimming. But first Owen choked on his teething tablets (just after drinking a nice warm bottle) and then puked all over me. There was puke down my shirt, all over Owen, on the change table, on the floor – everywhere. I stood there for about 20 seconds not knowing what to do. And then I just stripped both of us down to diaper and undies and threw every piece of clothing near us in the washing machine. It was nasty!


Life according to Jacob said...

Nice, nothing like having warm, fresh baby milk all over you. i can remember when I was bouncing my neice and she barfed her milk all over my lab and down my legs. I was grossed out cause I could feel it through my clothes and my other neice and nephew who were 7 just stood there and laughed at me while I tried to get them to get me a towel. Thankfully Jacob has never really barfed on me other than a few blobs. He did barf his milk all over Steve last week and I'm sure he hit the cereal bowl too.

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Joshua has a very sensitive stomach and has thrown up on me more than 10 times already so I've gotten used to it but I was definitely not doing well the first few times *shudder*. I think you handled it perfectly!

Unknown said...

Ahhhh...I sympathise completely. It is nasty and stinks! Keira emptied her stomach contents on me repeatedly during the stomach virus incident. There were a couple of days where I ran out of cloths and sheets completely and had to do about 2 or 3 washloads in one day to just keep up! I feel really sorry for anyone who as a "repeat offender".