Monday, December 18, 2006

My happy boy

In the last few weeks Owen seems to have grown up a lot. His hair is getting longer, and that might have something to do with his looking older. But Owen is developing new tricks and personality traits everyday, and that is what is making him seem older too.

Owen now initiates play time. He understands how games like chase, hide and seeks, and throwing a ball work, and he is so much fun to play with now. He still races up the stairs, and laughs when he gets to the top, and he dances (and sings) to music, he loves to play with his new musical instruments (recorder, tambourine, maracca, and jingle bells), and he's talking up a storm. For the most part he says "what's this" and points to everything. But once I tell him what it is, he still says "what's this", so we're not counting that as a real word, just fun noise. I must say "what's this" to him a lot.

But Owen is curious about everything, and quite upset with us that we put up safety features on all the kitchen and bathroom drawers and cupboards now (he still has his one cupboard in the kitchen to play with). Owen wants to touch everything, and lick it too. We had a shower yesterday and he kept licking my knee. It was weird. I think he just likes the water.

And he is sooooooo close to walking! I bet he'll be running by his birthday in January. Owen walks with the help of his toy on wheels, or our computer chair (also on wheels), and every once in a while he'll stand on his own for a second, and then be off again. And when I say on his own, I mean not holding onto anything. He will be walking along furniture, and take a second to transfer to another piece of furniture and for a moment there (in the middle) he is standing up all by himself. It's so great!

He's teething again, but I haven't seen any new teeth in quite a while. So who know if they'll pop through this time. Owen is all better now, and his ear infection is finally all gone. But now I am quite sick, so maybe I'll be nice, and pass it back to him (he's the one who gave it to me in the first place).


Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Life at your house sounds like so much fun! :)

I still have this walking/musical toy here to lend to you ... maybe I'll get it to you before he actually learns to walk on his own?!? *L*

Matthew Francis said...

He's going to walk when Krista and I are out there with you... I just know it! (Owen is of course extremely polite and waiting until then).

Life according to Jacob said...

You go Owen! it's fun to keep mummy guessing what you'll do next. Have fun with it