Monday, December 11, 2006

Sometimes sharing isn't a good thing

Owen is sick again –snotty with a cough. Argh. I took him to the Doctor this afternoon (after lunch with Grandma) to find out he has another ear infection. Dr. LeGresley figures I caught him, changed the strain, and gave it back to him. If my poor boy is going through anything close to what I have been going through for the last few days (my ears have been plugged since last Tuesday)… I can’t believe how good he has been through it all.


Life according to Jacob said...

Gee we seem to be a sick lot. Thankfully Jacob only appears to have a cold. Hope the ears don't bug you too much Owen.

Kaelen's Mama said...

Hey Everyone with sick kids!

My NaturoPathic Dr suggested giving Kaelen Acidophilus with Bifidus all the time to boost her immune system especially with her being on Antibiotic's constantly. It's worked really well so far, we haven't had any snot in a few weeks now!

We buy the adult capsules and break them in 1/2 and mix 1/2 in with her yogurt.

Hope u Feel better soon Owen!

If you're desperate Dimatapp always helped with Kaelen's ears to!

Catrina said...

Sorry for both of you. It's hard to care for little ones when you feel yucky too. I've used Dimetapp too, it seems to help a bit. William and I are both sick as well, but so far no ear infections. Hope you both feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Ellenor has another ear infection too! I just took her to the doctor today and she confirmed it. I feel gross too, so I guess we're all sharing it :(

Butchess said...

oh no! all this sickness is awful...hope everyone feels better soon!!!!

RW said...

I recommend naturopath too - can't hurt.

Remember to rest Amy - you have alot going on right now.

We will pray for you and Owen.