Saturday, December 02, 2006

St. Nicholas party

Our Church had a St. Nicholas party today for the kids, and Owen was feeling good enough to go. Yay! He had so much fun playing with all the kids - mostly the big kids, but he was gently rubbing Baby James' ear which was so cute until he tried to rip it off.

Here is Owen reaching for the gingerbread house candy. He managed to get a piece of hard candy in his mouth before I could stop him, but I guess it didn't taste good becasue he spit it out right away. Owen did get to eat some big people food today though - he nibbled at my dinenr roll until the whole thing was soggy with small chunks of bun missing here and there.

We are all very happy he is felling better.



Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

We're all very happy he is feeling better too. It was great seeing you both today! :)

Kassianni said...

he was super cute.

Matthew Francis said...

Glad to hear he's feeling better!