Thursday, January 25, 2007

Big update

So much has happened lately! Owen is almost walking – he can take a few steps, stumble, catch himself, and take a few more steps. He is so proud of himself when he does this. Although walking is not his movement of choice – Owen would still rather crawl.

Things are still going great with Owen in daycare 2 days a week, and at my Moms house 1 day a week. He has a great time wherever he goes, and they all just love him. My Mom says Owen said "Good" and "Grandpa" today.

Gabe also taught Owen some new words today – well, they are noises actually. Owen can now moo, baaa (like a sheep), and make oooohooohoooh aaahaaahaaa monkey noises. It is too cute.

And a few days ago while Owen and I were stuck in traffic, I was pointing out all the big trucks driving beside us, and I make the truck noise (like blowing a raspberry). About 20-30 minutes later, once we were out of the heavy traffic, a truck drove past us and Owen pointed at it and make the truck noise. It was great! He is learning so many things – and so fast too!

Owen has moved up to size 24 months in most tops, but it still in 18 month bottoms. His favorite foods are still fruits, peas, and sweet potatoes, but he loves chicken, and he has taken an interest in cheese lately (cheddar and mozzarella – he didn’t care for the swiss).

Everyday is a new adventure for all of us – we love Owen so much. And I know he can’t wait to have real conversations with us. He loves life so much – I hope that lasts into his teenage years. It’s neat to see how Owen is similar to Gabe and I – and he gets his passion and zeal for things from me, and he gets laid back attitude and general contentment from Gabe – he’s a great little mix!


Life according to Jacob said...

ya for walking, now it will be up to mummy and daddy to catch you. lead them on a chase

Anonymous said...

You two are great parents. Keep it up.
(The parenting, not the posting.)