Saturday, January 13, 2007

Flu bug

Owen is still sick. Gabe is now sick too. I am healthy… for now. Owen had a few explosive diarrhea’s at Moms house on Thursday, and now Mom and Dad are sick too. He’s had a couple more nasty explosions since then, but no more puking, so that is good. We tried to give him Pedialite, but he doesn’t like it, so he doesn’t drink much of it. He hasn’t eaten solid foods for a few days, now (with the exception of a couple of bites of yogurt here and there).

The plus side is that Owen sleeps a lot now. He was up thing morning at 6, down at 7, up at 9, down at 10:30 and is still asleep (it is 12:30 now). Hopefully he is better by Monday. I don’t want him to go to daycare still sick.


Kaelen's Mama said...

Poor boy! What's with all this sickness? It hasn't made it to our house yet! I hope u guys feel better and that Mommy doesn't get sick!

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Oh no! You should definitely try to force the Pedialyte into him as Joshua was haspitalized for dehydration as a result of the flu just before his first borthday and I don't want history to repeat itself with poor Owen!!

Unknown said...

Have you tried Owen with a different flavour of pedialyte? Keira was quite fond of the orange one. We alternated between milk, pedialyte, diluted apple juice and water, to keep the fluids flowing as much as possible.

Amy said...

We tried giving him apple and grape flavored Pedialite. He refuses them now. We even tried giving him prange juice to get him drinking. Still nothing. He did have a yogurt, and some applesauce tonight. And he has had a few bottles today. I am hopeful that he is on the up and up. But I will keep trying the Pedialite. Maybe if I dilute it.

Thanks for the tips guys.

Butchess said...

feel better owen!!!

Life according to Jacob said...

I can understand why he wouldn't want to drink or eat anything because I spent all Saturday night throwing up from one end and then the other end was going. I got to the point where I had nothing left to throw up so I took a drink of water and it came up shortly after (at least it didn't have the bile taste to it). Then yesterday I was afraid to eat anything. Still have the one end going and now Steve is sick too. This is beginning to suck!