Saturday, January 06, 2007

Cardboard castle

Our TV broke yesterday (everyone went bright green) and so we bought a new one today. We haven't even watched it yet - Owen and I spent the day playing in his new cardboard castle. He loves it. Heck, I like it! (I have to really watch my language now that Owen is copying everything we say!)
I plan on coloring this castle and making it look totally awesome. Gabe says it will be destroyed soon, so I shouldn't bother. But just you wait - this will be THE coolest castle ever! Just give me time...


Butchess said...

wow!! that looks the most fun toy ever!!!! you're so lucky owen!!!

Anie said...

That IS the coolest box and it simply MUST be painted..who cares how long it lasts eh!

Anonymous said...

I agree. . . . so many good memories come from playing in boxes!!!

Sheri Eyre said...

When can I come over to play in it?