Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Owen's new games

My son is quite the character. He has taken a real liking to stuffed animals lately. But not in the way you might think he would. What Owen likes to do is bite them, and then crawl around the house with them in his mouth, dragging underneath him. It's quite hillarious to see!

Here is Owen with Goliath the lion.

And here he is with a stuffy book. This one is his favorite to chew and crawl with becasue the little stars that stick out of the book are the perfect size for him mouth. We find this book all over the house now.

Owen also has a little stuffed animal fish that he loves to chew and crawl with. And then he will crawl over to us, take it out of his mouth, smile, and say 'fish'. It's great!

This is Owens baby. He got it for Christmas from his Mummo (Gabe's Mom). We call it 'baby', and he knows he is supposed to be gentle with babies, so he doesn't bite the baby (although he likes to eat her hair and chew on her bow). What Owen does instead is hug the baby - with passion. I think he got that from me. I like to hug Owen and rough house with him, so he thinks that hugs are great when they are strong. So that is how he hugs the baby. He picks her up, wraps his arms around her and squeezes the life out of her while making a face and shaking. It's so funny to watch! And he is so proud of himself too.


Kaelen's Mama said...

I like to carry my toys around in my mouth like a puppy to Owen! I huggin and kissin' my bears is alot of fun! I like to tell them stories!

It's been a long time since we've seen each other! We'll have to play sometime when I'm over the flu.

RW said...

That is quite funny.
Hannah used to do that with the little chicken from the Fisher Price Farm. We would remove it from her mouth and it would be full of saliva. dripping. oh yeah. it was great.

Life according to Jacob said...

What a great mother cat you could be Owen. Priceless

kimberley francis said...

that's classic! i love it! ;)