Friday, January 19, 2007

Not much better

Owen had yet another poo explosion on Wednesday night. This time Gabe got up (at 1:30am) and dealt with it. Thank you Gabriel!

But Owen is still waking up every night - poo or no poo - and crying for about 10 minutes. He seems so uncontrollable, like he had a nightmare, and then we clam him down, give him a bottle, and he goes back to bed. Its rough - happening every night for a week. I need my sleep!

Well, we're off now to celebrate all the January babies birthdays at our Play Group get together this afternoon. I am so excited! I bought some presents for the other birthday kids - I love buying little girl clothes! I can't wait to buy them and not have to give them to someone else!

1 comment:

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Getting up at night is rough!

Joshua is still waking up once a night and he had the cold almost 3 weeks ago! Fortunately he now will go back to sleep on his own after a few minutes so we don't even bother getting up anymore ...
We know that if he cries for more than a few minutes he needs a bottle or a cuddle but he usually goes right back to sleep within 5 minutes of waking.

Owen will hopefully be over it soon!!

Good luck guys! We're thinking of you!