Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So gross!

Owen still isn’t 100% better – he still has one massive poo explosion a day that goes right through his onesie and pants. But he is eating solids, and his poops are getting less-liquidy. Gross.

Last night was a rough one though; Owen woke up at 1:30am completely covered in poo – it was in his hair, under his toenails, smeared all over his crib – everywhere. It took us half an hour to clean him up completely and then he was wide awake. So Gabe stayed up with him while I went back to bed. After a little bit of playing and a bottle, Owen went back to bed. But he was up again at 5am. I think he had a nightmare, because Owen was crying so hard and nothing we did would calm him. So after 20 minutes or so of trying to calm him down, Owen finally took another bottle and went back to bed. 7am came very early for us when Gabe’s alarm went off. I was lucky and had the day off. Owen didn’t wake up again until 8:30am, so I got a bit more sleep after Gabe went to work.


Unknown said...

Eeeuuuuuuwwwwwww! Poor little guy! (and poor you!!!) Despite all the different kinds of poop I have seen as a new mom, those kind of moments still make me gag - I really feel for you!

Kaelen's Mama said...

Poor Owen~! And POOR Mommy and Daddy! We are getting sick of Poo and Puke here!

KAelen was up a few times again last night to, I wonder what it is! She didn't even have any problems with poo or puke she was just crying for no reason! We're off to the Dr. today

Butchess said...

yikes!!! i think i'd be having nightmares after that poo too!!

Kristen Mochrie-Arbonne Consultant said...

Poor little gapper, I wouldn't be too happy about it either if I woke up surrounded in my own poop! lol ...did I ever tell you about the poop explosion at Greek Islands Resteraunt? All out Russel's pants, ALL over his high chair and floor? Yea, bathing him in a tiny sink in the bathroom, and drying him off with paper towels was NOT a fun night...good luck Amy! -May the force be with you!

Life according to Jacob said...

Apparentally it is the Norwalk virus that is causing all the explosions from both ends. There is an end in sight so don't despair. Maybe double him up in two sleepers and that way he only gets the poo on him and not all over the bed (not that it helps poor Owen any but at least it won't take as long to clean up.