Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I love fall time

Fall is my favorite time of year. And this is Owen's first fall, so there is all sorts of fun stuff we get to do together. One of those things is take pictures with gourds. The pumpkin was too big to take home in the stroller, or we would have bought one of those too. That will be our next photo shoot as we are going to a pumpkin patch tomorrow with our friends in the Play Group.


Amy said...

no pumpkins today. too much rain. maybe next week.

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Hehehe ... what is it about boys and gourds? My Mom picked some up for Joshua when we went to the apple farm/pumpkin patch a few weeks ago and they're his favorite toys right now. I wonder what we'll do when they start to go soggy?!? :P

Amy said...

I love gourds!