Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Budding romance? Or big bully?

This is Kalean - Owens friend since birth. She is 3 weeks younger than Owen. Kaelens Mom works with Owens Papa, and now she and I are friends.

Owen has spent a lot of time with Kaelen at the Baby Time Drop In at the Health Clinic. We haven't been all summer, so Kaelen and her Mom came to our house yesterday for a visit. It was nice to see them again!

Owen and Kaelen used to lie on the ground and hold each others hands. It was so cute. But yesterday, Owen kept stealing all of Kaelens toys from her. Whatever she would play with, Owen wanted. And Owen would take. Which is weird, because Owen has never done that before. He is usually ok with sharing and has never been a bully.

Hopefully Owen gorws out of this "bully" phase or he won't have any friends... never mind girl friends!


Kaelen's Mama said...

It's okay Owen. I know you just beat me up cause you have a crush on me!

Love Kaelen

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

*L* I'm sure he'll get over it soon! I read that children don't really learn to share until after the age of 2 though, so you may have a while of toy grabbing and apologetic looks ahead of you! :P