Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Here come Owen's chompers!

Owen is cutting his first tooth!

He had a poopy diaper, and as Gabe is a man, he thought it would take two of us to change it. So I held Owens arms while Gabe changed the diaper. Owen began to chew on my fingers, and that is when I felt it. His bottom middle to left tooth is coming through! Gabe and I both had to hold down his hands, open his mouth, and get his tongue out of the way to see it, but it’s there!


Catrina said...

Yah Owen!! William doesn't have any yet, but I'm sure it'll come fairly soon :) Kaitlyn got her first tooth a week after turning 6 months, it's amazing how different babies can be, and yet so similar :) Maybe that's why he's been quite fussy lately?!

Catrina said...

Yah Owen!! William doesn't have any yet, but I'm sure it'll come fairly soon :) Kaitlyn got her first tooth a week after turning 6 months, it's amazing how different babies can be, and yet so similar :) Maybe that's why he's been quite fussy lately?!

Kassianni said...

ooooh, teeth. I read somewhere that if adults had to go through the pain of teething, we'd be popping tylenol-3's all day just to bear it!