Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Which should I be?

I was going to make a perogy costume for Owen this Halloween, but he is too bigf. Which is sad, becasue he would look so cute with a dollop of sour cream with bacon bits on his head.

So now I am in search of the best Halloween costume out there. These are my favorites so far... what is your favorite?


Liz said...

Hmmmmm... Well, I think he might make a cute Monkey.

Kaelen's Mama said...

I love the cow! Check out the Old Navy and Children's Place Sites. They have cute costumes!

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Definitely the monkey! :)

kimberley francis said...


myn said...

i agree...monkey!!

Anonymous said...

Definately the monkey!!!

Matthew Francis said...

Why can't the perogy just be bigger?

Amy said...

Well, the thing about the perogy costume is this. I didn;t think Owen would be so big! He;s huge! What I was going to do is put him in the snugglie/carrier and make a perogy costume to zip up over the carrier (with him inside) like a sleeping bag. And then put the sourcream/bacon bit hat on his head. Easy, right?

But he is too heavy for his carrier. And he's wiggly. Plus, he'll probably be walking by then, so he'll not want to be carried. So, that's why I'm thinking of nixing the perogy idea.

Although, I did love the originality of the perogy costume.

Kaelen's Mama said...

Walking by Halloween? WOW! Owen can you teach Kaelen how to walk?

Anonymous said...

I love the monkey outfit for sure!

Kassianni said...

i say perogy

Catrina said...

I like the monkey :)

Kristen Mochrie-Arbonne Consultant said...

I like the cow and tiger...I lean towards the tiger cus it reminds me of Russel for his 1st Halloween when he dressed up as Tigger! There's nothing cuddlier than a cute wittle furry tiger! :)

Amy said...

I think I might be leaning towards cow because quite afew people I have talked to said their kids were monkeys and I want to be origional. Well, as original as I can be buying a pre-made costume that sell by the hundreads.

Kassianni said...

you could call him "Veal". haha

RW said...

Hannah and I have to vote for the monkey. No other baby will be as cute as Owen.

RW said...

Hannah and I have to vote for the monkey. No other baby will be as cute as Owen.

Krista said...

I do like the monkey and the little pig is so pigletty and cute too :)...regardless, I think that whatever is chosen there should be an honourary pose by "the bear" in the crib. Just a thought :)

Amy said...

Good idea Krista!

Any excuse for a pose with the bear!
