Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tooth and Carrots

Can you see Owens tooth? Look closely - you may even want to clik on the photo to enlarge it. His tooth is on the bottom - in the middle.

And can you see how much fun Owen had with lunch today? He didn't really seem interested in eating, so I let him play with his food. He was much more interested in it then - but still not hungry.


Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Yep, I see the new tooth! Congratualtion Owen! (and Mommy and Daddy for surviving the first teething experience!) ;)

Amy said...

It actually wasn't too bad at all. Owen had an ear infection, so he was on Amoxicilin for 10 days. And that is when the tooth came in. We didn't even know he was teething becasue he was drugged us to heal his ear infection.

Amy said...

Owens second tooth poked through today - just a corner of it, but it's there in all its sharp and pokey glory. It is the tooth right beside the first one. So he'll have his two bottom chompers first.