Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Still sick

Owen is still quite sick. I am washing all his blankets, toys, and clothes that he may have breathed or snotted on to try and rid him of this cold. But my main concern today is that he is refusing to eat. I know that when I am sick I don’t eat much either, but it is 4:15pm and he has only eaten twice today. And both times it was solid foods (Oat cereal, bananas, and sweet potatoes). He absolutely refuses to drink any liquids – formula or water. Gabe said Owen had a small, hard, black poop at 4am when he was up with him. And another one at 7am. Both very hard, so we know he is majorly constipated. The best thing for him is drink lots. But I can only give him what he will take. I keep offering him liquids, and so I hope he will eventually get enough in him to have a normal poop. He is napping right now (he does that a lot now). Hopefully this evening will be better than yesterday.

1 comment:

Charlie and Sam's Mommy - Deanna said...

Poor Owen! That does not sound like fun!!!! Have you tried letting Owen drink from a big peoples glass??? Charlie drinks really well from a glass that I'm holding....doesn't hardly drink from a sippy cup...just a suggestion.....
Hope he feel better!