Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Snot face

Owen is sick. He has a cold. He hardly slept at all last night (neither did I) because he couldn’t breathe. At least now he is snotty, so it can all come out (and go all down his face), so at least we can deal with it. He hates the snot sucker, but it works well at getting that garbage out of his head. And I got Vicks VapoRub to put on his throat to help the process along. My poor boy. Oh well, I guess there is a first time for everything.


kimberley francis said...

Boogers or no boogers, he's still adorable. ;)

Hang in there little O

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

Joshua is coming down with a cold too (and Klaudia said Nolan had one this morning as well).

We suffered A LOT with the breathing issues when Joshua was younger but learned to prop the head of his crib up on a few books. For some reason when it was elevated Joshua could breathe easier ...

I hope that helps! Get better soon, little Owen!

Fr. David said...

What a little cutie! (Found this blog through Stacy's recent posts, if you're wondering) Sorry to hear that your little one is ill.