Monday, August 07, 2006

If you look closely, you can see a baby in there...

Owen still isn't feeling well. And he has been particularly crabby today. I needed to clean his room (it was a disaster), so I put Owen in his crib to play. But he kept tiring of tea toys in there. So I put every toy I could find in the crib with him to keep him occupied for 5 minutes to I could tidy his room and put his clothes away. It worked! He was happy just long enough for me to accomplish what I had to.

Gabe and I are starting to feel sick ourselves, so I hope Owen gets better soon. A sick family is not a happy one. At least one of us needs to feel well.


Catrina said...

I hear you about finding things to keep them busy to get 5 minutes of things done, although I have Kaitlyn to help me out in that area. I hope you guys don't get sick or at least only one at a time :) Back in April we were all sick (at different times thank goodness) for about a month, not fun, I tell you. I hope that it is not that long for you guys either.

Joe, Stacey, Joshua, James and Matthew said...

And yet he looks so happy!

If you ever need a break to nap or clean up a bit, Joshua and I would love to come over and occupy Owen for a while! :)

kimberley francis said...

stacey's offer sounds like a good one ame.

my last day here in edmonton. heading back to calgary early tomorrow to meet up with jeff and cruise back in the afternoon. it's been an awesome few days despite the fact that i think i may have had owen's cold...too much cuddling last week i suppose.. but he's irresistable...especially when he's feeling yucky...

the good news is that: i think i may have discovered the antidote!

Before bed:

1. homemade garlic pizza ala matt,
with the garlic-ier the caesar salad the better.

2. krista's amazingly creamy garlic humous, the best i've ever tasted!

followed by
3. a mega-eucalyptus steamy soak

and you're almost feeling human again by morning! it might evoke one of those reactions of owen, you described last week, when you lean in to pick him up the next morning...but you're family! :)

take care of each other.

Kassianni said...

oh kim, I would love that remedy every night!