Monday, August 28, 2006

New bath tub

Owen had a new tub experience the other night. After getting completely filthy during dinner (who doesn't love potatoes and carrots in their ears and up their nose?!) I decided to bathe Owen in our kitchen sink. My two girlfriends who were over said their parents bathed them in the kitchen sink when they were little. It made sense to me - perfect size, I don't hurt my knees or back bending over, and we have a vegetable sprayer (a.k.a. Baby shower). So I gave it a shot and he loved it! So until Owen is too big for the sink, it will serve as his new tub.


Kaelen's Mama said...

He's getting so big.....and cute! Kaelen is missing her little boyfriend.

I love the sink bath to, my Mom and the babysitter always give Kae the sink baths.

RW said...

My mum bathed us all in the kitchen sink...each of my sisters has the same mum did this crazy hair styling thing as well....